In general, dental emergencies occur unexpectedly and require timely and urgent attention.
In some cases we can provide palliative treatment and others require immediate attention.
Normally emergencies have the common denominator of intense pain, whether due to dental diseases, fever, facial inflammation, abscesses and bleeding.
There are also situations of bumps and falls that can cause the loss or fracture of the teeth and even dislocation of the jaw.
There are signs and symptoms that can mean an urgency or emergency in the field of dentistry
Here are the most common ones:
Our call is always not to let your dental problem worsen and reach the point of being an emergency.
Most non-accidental emergencies are related to the issue of letting a cavity grow to the point of requiring root canal treatment.
If you have a cavity, please, do not let it grow, it will take away the vitality of your tooth and cause you one of the strongest pains that affect the human being.
Please meet our english speaking dentists in Quito and we will help you to have excellent oral health.
Publicado el: 21 Mar, 2021
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